Kano Calculator will help you to to calculate results of survey in Kano model-format by semi-automated mode.
Please read great article of Daniel Zacarias about Kano Model if you don't know yet what is this model about.

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5 easy steps

1. Conduct Survey for your customers

We use Google Forms because it is easy to create and get answers from this service.

Create Survey

2. Wait for the answers

Recomed to wait for at least 50 answers. Open all answers inside Google Sheets.

Forms & Google Sheets

3. Put your answers inside Kano Calculator

Open the calculator, click on the sheet "Original Answers" and put there all answers that you have

Copy Answers from Google Sheets

4. Make a mapping of your ideas

Make a mapping of Row & Answers inside Kano Calculator. Click on the menu element "Kano Calculator β†’ Setup Calculator" and put your ideas name and row numbers with answers. Also you could put row number with NPS if you asked NPS in your survey. Safe your mapping setup.

Map The Ideas inside Kano Calc

5. Get Results

Click on the button "Calculate results", and after several minutes you will get the answers.

Calculate the restuls of Kano

You will get

Visualisation of results
Safe your results as a picture or share through google sharing func

Calculate NPS
You can also easely calculate NPS results

Deviations included
Be each idea you will see statistical deviations of results

Exclude manual work
You will get results in several minutes without manual work


How to start?

Make a copy of Calculator inside Google Sheets and after that click on the button "Kano Calculator -> Setup calculation". After approving some permissions you may start calculation

I can't understand how it works!

Please put all your questions below and I will try to help you

I did not include the question "How important it is to have Feature 1", can I still use this sheet?

You can do it in manual mode. Just put default answer like β€œNot important” for each row with answer and set this column inside settings. You will not see the priorities but categories will be available.

Can I configure different lables for the scale?

Use sheet "Localization" and put your variants of labels inside green zones.

I have more than 10 features, what should I do?

For now this script supports up to 10 features per calculation. You can easely make another copy and put your other features inside the new one sheet.

How to interper bubles' size?

Bubles's size visually shows the importance value. So, the bigger bubble means higher relatevely priority from the answers.

Get Free Copy of Kano Calculator

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⭐ Used by: trustpilot.com, sonos.com, avito.ru, roche.com, uchi.ru, bexio.com, bbva.com, latam.com, ix.co, thuzi.com and hunderds others...